Sunday, May 26, 2013

Wedding Statement for your Blended Family

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You and your partner finally decided to merge your two families beside from getting married. You plan your weeding and looking forward to your lives together, you need to provide serious though to how the plans can impact your children. The children will surely be resilient and normally going to adapt to the situations where creating your new step family deserves understanding and consideration to be successful.

You need to talk with your kids regarding the merge you are planning into a blended family with your new spouse. You also need to talk to your kids about your plan of the remarriage and what they need to expect when it comes to blended family. This is really essential today in an atmosphere that needs mutual support and respect. Simply let them understand the situation and you can also consider the fact that they are not really required during the wedding. However, you need to expect them when it comes to their participation in the blended family to make it successful and great place for all of you. You need to expect the behavior of them when following the rules set similar to the other members of the step family.

If you are in need of help with your step kids, you can consult your partner about it and he or she will let her biological children knows about it as well. And if you need blended family advice for the success of your merge families, you can visit The Blended and Step Family Resource Center for the details.

Determine your Role as Step Parent in Blended Family

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When it comes to being a step parent, there is no manual or instruction available. Therefore, what kind of step parent you want to be in your blended family is all up to you and how you are going to manage your own agenda to carry it through. However, there are step parenting abilities failing that you can hear and this is one thing certain in many cases.

You can observe these situations with those that are remarried with someone that have kids from previous relationship. However, you need to consider the fact that you are the only person that can define the identity as a step mother or step father in blended family. It is still your job alone to figure things about and to know what works best for you even if there are situations where you are being pushed, pulled and manipulated. You basically need to have a self-discipline and clarity to define yourself before you proceed. However, you still need to consider the extent of your step kids or partner even if you ignore the opinions of them as long as you are comfortable about it. You can ask your friends from support when you want a way to making your identity comfortable as a step parent in blended family. And if you don’t know where to obtain help such as blended family advice, you can visit the website of The Blended and Step Family Resource Center for more info. Surely, you will learn the best way of making your blended family successful.

Saturday, May 18, 2013

Ever After Living in a Blended Family

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If the fairy tales of our childhood, blended families are not considered to be mentioned in any ways. After we became adults, we will then realize that fairy tales have a huge influence on us. Step parenting has a sketchy reputation due to the scary tales about unkind mothers or step mothers that makes the lives of the step kids miserable. This also contributes to the way we view remarriage, divorce and blended family. Due to these facts, there are step parents and friends or even family that offer help on raising kids that are not ours or biological. Being a step parent, you need to prove to the step kids that you are not the unkind step parents.

Stand back from disciplining and correcting your step kids before both of you established yourselves as fair, caring and fully intact parents in the blended family. Your direct input will contribute greatly to the unappreciated acts of your kids and may results to rebellion against you in the blended family home. New and hard roles will be given to the biological parents and you are going to blamed them for sure. You can check how your partner provides the behavior, ideas and compliance to his or her kids. If his or her method is greatly working, then you can adopt it. And if it is not working, you and your partner in the blended family as step parents and bio parents should communicate on how to improve it. If you need blended family advice, you can visit The Blended and Step Family Resource Center.

Communication is Key to your Blended Family Success

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You have many goals and responsibilities being blended family leaders, managers and parents. You will realize sometimes that there are hard time where you do not know where your attention should be given or where it would be needed most. This is actually a simple question and there is an easy answer for it. In essence, your main goal is to make your marriage successful since without it, you and your children will surely lose. Therefore, you need to nurture and make the environment stable as much as possible. The main reason is a strong marital relationship can provide the members of the family the support, confidence and relationship model. This is due to the fact that you and your family need to grow together in caring with mutual support.

You basically need to provide your marriage the necessary attention needed and deserves in order to thrive on successfully. You will not hear someone saying that their marriage failed due to being a good communicator of the spouse. The real reason is the lack of communication between couples why they normally break up. You have a major problem in your relationship if you or the other is not talking and keeps ignoring. If your marriage deserves a better treatment, then your step family also does. Some of the ways you can do is to spend quality time together, celebrate or even fell in love once again with your spouse. This will make your future plans successful and smooth. Therefore, you need to go out together sometimes without your kids or step kids.

Sunday, May 12, 2013

Mother’s Day is a Blended Family Necessity

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It is a familiar sound to anyone when it comes to the Mother’s Day especially that it is being celebrated yearly. However, there are cases where the father prevents the kids from greeting their bio mom a happy Mother’s Day. This is true in many cases and this is also sad to know for the mother and kids.

There is no doubt that we need to thank all the mothers for all their sacrifice and things they do for us. They always look forward and provide us the unconditional love as their kids. Unfortunately, when it comes to the step moms, they seem not to be expecting the same treatment as what the bio mom receives from their children. Therefore, it is essential to create a ritual of celebrating a Mother’s Day in your blended family along with the other holidays yearly.

To define your role as a step mom, you and your partner in step family needs to deal with it by planning for the event like this Mother’s Day. You and your partner need to agree with all the basics for your new family rituals especially in terms of leadership and support. Since both of you are the ones managing your blended family, you both need to set guidelines that will benefits all the kids and step kids. Should you need help with your step family, you can visit The Blended and Step Family Resource Center. You can acquire the blended family advice from them in order to make your step family successful. Go to their website now to learn more of the details.

About Handling the Ex-Spouse and Words to your Kids in Blended Family

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There are many ex-spouses that are doing bad words in front of the children who do not understand the effect of it to their kids. The hurt parents that are unhappy will surely need support and understood from their kids. However, the feelings of doing bad in just to make you feel bad in front of the children are not an excuse. You need to know that being a parent, you need to help your children cope with the lost from the divorce, remarriage and the challenges they will face in the step family life. It is inappropriate to expect your kids to be your sounding board when it comes to helping them to cope. Also, it is unfair to let your children take one side and against to the other parent.

The children in the blended family share loyalties to their parents. There are different types of degrees when it comes to the loyalties such as to the biological parents, step parents, step siblings or to the other members of the extended family. It can be crushing for the children hearing badmouthing from their parents. This is normally also the reason why the loyalties of the children are being split and they need to decide the side they want. If you need help or looking for blended family advice, you can visit The Blended and Step Family Resource Center. Surely, your blended family will become successful when you acquire the best help from the professionals. Visit their website today for more details.

Saturday, May 4, 2013

Blended Family is the Answer for you and your Kids

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Basically, your main purpose of having a blended family environment is to help yourself and kids to recover from lost whether from widowhood or divorce. However, you need to know that remarriage comes with a little more challenges than the original marriage. There are challenges that keep on increasing overtime especially when both partners decided to merge their two families together. Therefore, you need to determine your decision carefully and if it is well intentioned.

You need to know that it is a step of faith when you enter the blended family highway. You need to expect the truth that it is actually a challenging or difficult road to take. However, if you are confident about the commitment and love that you and your new partner share with each other then it is good. When you choose the blended family future, you need to focus when merging your families. Also, you need to learn how to compromise and a desire to make the environment real and positive for your kids and to your step kids. You must also be willing to take new ways when performing things and have a healthy and sense of humor when it comes to understanding your own weaknesses and strength. Furthermore, forgiveness is also one factor you need to learn when it comes to the others who are failing. Acceptance, selflessness, commitment and compassion are things you need to bear in mind. Should you need help with your step family, you can visit The Blended and Step Family Resource Center.

The Key to Blended Family Success is Efficient Communication

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In order to build a strong connection with your blended family members, you need to spend time with them on various activities and confronting issues that can cause conflicts to the members. A strong blended family relation and well-functioning must have a variety of methods for communications with one another. A successful blended family shares a number of communication skills to the other members. By addressing the conflicts directly and sharing the thoughts of the members, the relationship of the blended family will become stronger. Sharing words and understanding their body language while talking is important. You need to spend time together also during mealtime to talk about things and listen to what they will have to say.

You need to pay a close attention to what the other people say when it comes to building your relationship with your children and step children to the new blended family together with the new couple relationship. Therefore, you need to listen when one of the members of the blended family have something to say. Don’t take listening as a task that can be accomplished by multi-tasking. You need to stop from whatever you are doing. In essence, listen carefully to their words of your step kids and their body language. This will let the speaker knows that you are indeed listening and understanding what he or she is saying to you. If you are in need of blended family advice, you can visit The Blended and Step Family Resource Center for more details.